AAV cGMP Manufacturing


As the gene and cell therapy landscape has expanded there has been a subsequent expansion in the need large-scale production of GMP-grade AAVs that meet regulatory filing standards. PackGene aims to meet this need across phases of the gene and cell therapy lifecycle including PI initiated clinical trials (IIT), to Investigational New Drug (IND) filings, to Phase I-III clinical trials, and large-scale commercial production of GMP-grade AAV.

Using our proprietary platforms and technologies PackGene provides mass-production services for GMP-compliant AAV, as well as GMP production line set-up, virus processing and assays, and IND pharmacological documentation for processes ranging from the upstream rAAV generation to the downstream isolation and purification. We also ensure that our AAV manufacturing services comply with GMPs and all applicable regulatory and required standards for IIT and IND applications.


PackGene’s FDA and EMA compliant AAV GMP manufacturing facility (~2000m²) begin production in 2021. For more information, please contact us.
AAV Manufacturing Process

PackGene GMP-compliant services include AAV upstream production as well as downstream development, purification, large-scale fermentation, material segregation, traceability record keeping, document control, and application of a comprehensive range of quality control assays.

PackGene has developed core processing technology that multiplies single-batch AAV output/yield and reduce input cost, thus giving our customers a leading edge.

AAV Manufacturing Process

AAV Quality Control (or customized based on specific process)

Specification Assay Methods
Identity GOI Sequence Sanger Sequence


UV Purity A260/A280
%Empty Capsids AEX HPLC
Aggregation DLS
Potency & Content Capsid Titer ELISA
Genome Titer ddPCR
Infectious Titer TCID50
Protein Expression In Vitro assay
Impurity Residual Host Cell DNA qPCR
Residual E1A qPCR
Residual Plasmid ddPCR
Residual Nuclease ELISA
Residual Iodixanol/CsCl HPLC
Residual Ligand ELISA
Safety Mycoplasma qPCR/Mycoplasma culture /DNA staining
rcAAV Cell Assay+qPCR
Bacterial endotoxin LAL
Sterility Direct Inoculation Method/Membrane filtration
Adventitious agent Cell Culture
Abnormal toxicity Animal test
General Characterization Appearance Visual Inspection
Content Minimum Fill
pH pH Method
Osmolality Osmometers
Particulate matter Light Obscuration Particle Count test
AAV Manufacturing Facilities

Our GMP manufacturing site fully adopts “disposable technology” and advanced design concepts. Our facility is equipped with a clean environment in line with quality by design (QbD) concepts. This includes physical isolation and full-exclusion systems to segregate different functional workshops. The GMP workshop is only used for pilot testing or large-scale production of AAV vector, and this completely avoids multi-species sharing or cross-contamination issues commonly found in traditional CDMO platforms.

The upstream production line of our GMP site is equipped with the leading edge iCellis 500 disposable bioreactor system (up to 500m2 wall area), STR200T 200L disposable reactor, Xpansion disposable reactor, XDR 50 MO 50L disposable reactor, and several wave-shaped bioreactors to meet the needs of large-scale wall and suspension culture production of AAV. Our downstream line is equipped with ÄKTA chromatographic purification and ultrafiltration systems. Based on years of experience in large-scale production, single batch AAV yields of 1E+15-17GC or vg can be achieved, allowing for a shortened pilot production cycle of AAV under GMP standards that can be completed within 1-2 months. PackGene’s core process technology route can help partners to significantly increase single batch yields and reduce input costs. This results in valuable speed advantages for customers and ultimately leads to accelerated registration filings and clinical level production of gene therapy services.

The purpose of final generation cell assays is to confirm cell suitability and to determine if cells have mutated or produce carcinogenic substances. Cells are resuscitated and passaged from the working cell bank according to the production process route, transferred to the bioreactor for passaged digestion, cultured according to the proposed process, and then digested for lyophilization or sent for testing at the end of bioreactor production. The generation of cell resuscitation and passaging methods are carried out according to your custom production process SOP.

Manufacturing Facilities
AAV Manufacturing Facilities
AAV Manufacturing Facilities

PackGene facility includes iCellis500 (~500m2 adhesion area), STR50/200/500T with the single-use technology that can flexibly conduct both GMP AAV upstream production by adherent and suspension culture.

Our Advantages


Designed with QbD concept and optimization



Clean environment in accordance with C+A standards



Reaching the maximum AAV yield up to 1E+15GC-1E+17 GC/batch



Isolated vector producing line to completely avoid cross-contamination between different vectors.



GMP-compliant pilot production cycle can be shortened to 1-2 months


Single-use technology and water supply to ensure batch cleaning verification

PackGene can provide cGMP AAV manufacturing for your project. Please provide your project details to get a quote or technical support from PackGene.

Contact Us
contact packgene
5. GMP AAV Quote Request
Confidentiality Commitment from PackGene:
The information you submit here will be kept strictly confidential. Packgene will not disclose to any third party or related personnel, and it will only be used for project evaluation and progress reports according to the requests from submitter under confidentiality conditions.
Have you selected your candidate for gene therapy? (Optional)
Have you completed preclinical research? (Optional)
Please select one or more GMP services you need *


Are pH measurements required, and is a large amount of sample wasted to carry out pH measurements?

Measurement of pH is a mandatory for the release of rAAV Fast Service deliverables. A micro pH electrode may be used to save sample and thus the required sample volume to perform pH measurements is only ~15uL-100uL.

What is loading?

In accordance with the Pharmacopoeia General Rules 0942, we use the minimum filling quantity inspection method for detecting sample loading quantity.

How to interpret A260/A280 value?

A260/A280 is the ratio of sample absorbance measured at wavelengths of 260nm and 280nm. This measure is commonly thought to represent the ratio of DNA to protein in a sample. For rAAV, A260/A280 can used as a measure of the full to empty shell rate and to identify protein contamination. Low A260/A280 levels may suggest that the empty shell rate is high. Alternatively, high A260/A280 may suggest that the sample has been contaminated with proteins that are not incorporated into the AAV capsid shell. The greatest advantages of this measure are its convenience and speed.

What tests are performed to differentiate rAAV capsid proteins from specific protein impurities?

SDS-PAGE is used to identify rAAV capsid proteins. In addition, SDS-PAGE can be used to directly identify specific protein impurities including the presence of host proteins, BSA, or degraded AAV capsid proteins.


Free Webinar

Breaking the Silence: A New Dawn in Treating Autosomal Recessive Deaness 9 with AAV1-hOTOF Gene Therapy

Watch the On-demand Video Now! Click Here

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Technology Platforms

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